Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Nothingness and Speculation

"America is great because it is good. When America ceases to be good, it will no longer be great." Anonymous

I was thinking of this country that I love
Where I was so luckily born
More freedom than most
And many willing to die for us

I have met them
They are wise and strong
Hands that change from gentle to skillful
Quickly eliminating threats

A nation is torn in their wake
So many choose to demean the work
To frustrate and confuse the purpose
To argue over nothingness and speculation

None to take responsibility but them
Ultimate and final,
As responsiblity inevitably is
And some would cry in outrage!

These hearts so willing to serve and protect
Hate mail hangs in their hospital rooms
Strengthens resolve to protect our freedom
Even the freedom to be ignorant
To choose not to think for one's self, not to accept,
Indeed they will die to protect our freedom of passivity.

What is truly outrageous is the nation divided
Parents of loved ones killed in this war
Who choose to believe their children died for no cause
Choose to believe the lies they have been fed
Unwilling to search their heart of hearts and find the freedom
Their child died to give them:
To respond in victory,
To uphold a righteous and just cause
To celebrate the progress of our glorious armed forces
To applaud their courage and strength,
Single-mindedness and focus on one thing: our liberty

After all, how far must we look into our past
To recognize the truth:
All freedom is born of blood sacrifice.
And America, despite her hope, is no exception.


Pitney said...

The Tocqueville quotation is fake. See: http://www.tocqueville.org/pitney.htm

elisagoz said...

Thanks for writing this, April. I often have to answer rude comments with, "My husband is willing to give his life so you can insult him and what he does freely." It's frustrating - more for me than him. Your poetry blog is beautiful! I miss you already. Email me sometime.