I care more about having a peaceful home than a clean one.
I have bitten off more than I can chew.
Two year olds know everything.
There are those I do not like.
There are those I could not love more.
I am not the center of the universe.
She is not the center of the universe.
You are not the center of the universe.
It's easy to fail at most things.
Where parents fail, God's grace prevails.
Saddness is more natural than happiness.
Easy is rarely right.
Hard is not always the only way.
Always and never are overused.
Mothers are overused.
Half of my brain is missing, the half that thinks and reasons clearly, as well as spells correctly and knows syntax.
I will not be the next American Idol.
Singing is one of my greatest passions and gifts.
Discernment is my "spiritual gift".
We have McPheever.
Amy has beautiful eyes.
Joel has a beautiful heart.
Our life is a work of art.
Clarity, energy and a pleasant disposition are sold in 150mg controlled release pills. I take them regularly.
Running is hard.
Running is awesome.
Running is accomplishing a goal.
Writing is therapeutic.
Reading is relaxing.
My Dad has diabetes.
My Father is with me always, even unto the ends of the earth.
My Dad is a man of integrity. He loves me dearly as I love him.
My mother is clothed in strength and dignity, the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Tenth grade girls are fun to be with and hard to relate to.
Old Navy commercials drive me crazy.
Mac/PC commercials are best.
The Office is the best BEST.
I tell you: This is all my joy and my peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
My Norman Rockwell
15 years ago
Mcpheever?!! Nono, it's mean yamin! I'm so sad he is gone.
Here's another truth to add to your..uh...poem?
She doesn't know everything.
and who is she?
it doesnt matter, cause you used anonymous people too.
and you have pretty eyes too.
Liked the poem. Great way to express yourself. What is y'alls address. I need to send you a thank you card. I do like that I am apart of this internet world thingy. Cause other wise I would of tried to get your address from Jason and I wouldn't have gotten far. Oh, while I'm at it, what is your parents address? Thanks, Jenny
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